United Way of the Ohio Valley is targeting
Poverty Reduction as our Small Grant 2023-2024 Impact Area. UWOV believes when more individuals have jobs earning family-sustaining wages and safe and affordable housing, they are less stressed and more able to provide for themselves and their families better positioning our entire community to thrive.
UWOV has narrowed the 2024 funding cycle to 3 pathways to help reduce poverty.
Access to Affordable Housing
Prevention & Intervention of Homelessness
Financial Stability & Income

for 2023-2024 IMPACT GRANT CYCLE
Impact Area- Affordable Housing – UWOV understands that preventing homelessness and encouraging housing stability is foundational to our mission of improving lives and providing safe, stable home environments.
Definition of Affordable Housing:
→ The federal government typically defines housing as affordable when it consumes no more than 30 percent of a household’s income. When it becomes more than that, it affects a person’s ability to buy food and support other essentials like healthcare.
Examples of what UWOV will fund under impact pathway (Affordable Housing) for Poverty Reduction
→ Programs that provide financial assistance to help prevent evictions, foreclosures, rental and utility assistance and unhealthy living conditions as well as things to keep people employed.
→ Programs that provide access to affordable multifamily housing developments and/or help families enter into and sustainable living in such developments.
→ Housing creation to actively expand affordable housing or sustain such developments to help create or preserve affordable housing options within our community.
→ Prevention Programs that stabilize individuals to make sure they do not fall further into poverty and make strides in reducing poverty.
Impact Area-Prevention & Intervention of Homelessness – UWOV is committed to reducing poverty and combating homelessness by providing services and housing available for individuals who may need them. We believe the solution to homelessness is a home; moving into permanent housing with supportive services giving a person a foundation to rebuild their lives.
Definition of Homelessness: Individual or family who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence
Examples of what UWOV will fund under this impact pathway (Homelessness) for Poverty Reduction
→ Programs that provide emergency services to individuals and families who are homeless or facing homelessness.
→ Rehousing services, where organizations engage with people experiencing homelessness, bring them into shelters and then rehouse them
→ Special emphasis for funding on programs that offer extensive case management services
→ Street services to manage and care for individuals living on the streets.
→ Provides emergency services and/or transitional housing to those who are homeless.
→ Prevention programs that stabilize individuals where they do not become homeless.
→ Successful prevention initiatives that provide rental and utility assistance so people can stay in their homes.
→ Support for advocacy efforts for policy changes that will increase the supply of affordable housing to prevent homelessness.
Impact Area-Financial Stability/Income- UWOV understands the need to build pathways to economic stability that will allow people the ability to access resources essential to life, including financial resources, quality housing and food, and a job that provides a stable, living wage. UWOW’s goal is to progress in collaborating with local service providers/ non-profits that can reduce the long-term need for financial assistance and lead those in need to self-sufficiency.
Definition of Financial Stability- Financial stability enables families to access safe housing, healthy foods, and other necessities, to engage fully in their communities, and to plan for the future.
Examples of what UWOV will fund under this impact pathway (Financial Stability) for Poverty Reduction
→ Programs that aggressively approach focus on training, educating, and advocacy that assists people to access affordable housing, financial products and services.
→ Programs that offer services that set goals with individuals to achieve financial empowerment and economic mobility that include services, such as job training, job coaching, credit counseling and money management programs.
→ Programs that promote or advocate for community-change strategies to help families meet their basic needs, while gaining financial capability to plan for, and accomplish, their long-term financial goals.
→ Special emphasis for funding on programs that offer extensive case management services.
→ Special consideration will be taken for Emergency Services Programs but must have a Case Management Program for recipients of emergency services.
How to Apply
Agencies will first complete a Letter of Intent Form. The deadline to submit a LOI form is by Wednesday, December 20, by 3 pm.
After the submission deadline, LOI Forms will be reviewed and scored to their ability to meet the designated Impact Areas. Those agencies will then be invited to apply for funding through a UWOV application process.
If you have any questions, please contact Vikki Embry, Director of Community Impact and Investment at (270) 684-0668, Ext 25 or email at vembry@uwov.org.