Funding Principles – Green River Area Covid-19 Response Fund

   I. Funding Principals:

The Green River Area Covid-19 Response Fund will offer financial assistance to frontline agencies who are actively responding to urgent Coronavirus-related health and human service needs. Organizations must provide assistance to individuals within the following geographic areas: Counties of Daviess, Hancock, McLean, Ohio, Union, and Webster.
Initially, the Fund will target capacity-expanding funds to agencies who are:
• Providing food to food-insecure populations
• Helping vulnerable populations access medical needs
• Helping area residents in need of transportation assistance
• Helping those sheltering vulnerable populations
All funding decisions should be made with this general framework in mind.

II. Committee

All funding decisions with respect to the Green River Area Covid-19 Response Fund will be made by committee. Committee members will be composed of representatives from funding and supporting partners of the fund and will not exceed 15 members. Initial committee members will represent the following organizations.

United Way of the Ohio Valley
Green River Area Community Foundation
Owensboro City Government

Daviess County Fiscal Court
Philanthropic Partners
Community Partners

Each committee member will represent one vote.

a. A minimum of 80% of the committee’s membership will constitute a quorum for any funding vote.

III. Decision Process

Initial Phase One Funding decisions will be made no later than April 3, 2020.
a. Committee members will have an opportunity to discuss funding levels, and one member will model funding possibilities as discussions take place
b. Members will vote on a total potential funding package. Members will not vote on individual agency funding levels. If a member has an objection to funding levels for a specific organization, s/he should raise his/her objection during general discussion.
c. Funding packages will be considered “approved” only when passed by 2/3 majority vote of the committee.
d. Funding meeting may be conducted electronically or via telephone during Phase One.
e. During Phase one, committee members will commit to meeting each Thursday in order to make additional funding allocations to agencies based on requests.

IV. Phase one distribution will be limited to following services:

• Organizations providing food assistance to food insecure individuals
• Shelters providing care to clients with current and emerging medical needs
• Organizations providing assistance to the most vulnerable populations

V. Distribution:

The process for distribution of funds to agencies will be at the discretion of the United Way of the Ohio Valley staff within the following guidelines.
a. The Green River Area Community Foundation will receive applications from requesting organizations
b. Funds will be distributed in amounts approved by committee only
c. United Way of the Ohio Valley will utilize the most expedient fund distribution option to deposit dollars into agency accounts.
d. Funds will be distributed as quickly as possible upon committee approval

VI. Phase Two

Phase Two funding will be designed for Long-Term Recovery and only be enacted if funds are available.
a. As this is a new situation for our region, guidelines to address long-term recovery will be developed by partners of the Green River Area Covid-19 Response Fund.
b. Guidelines, funding parameters, and dates will be communicated at a future date that has not been determined at this time.

VII. Application Process for Funding Request

Organizations must provide assistance to individuals within the following geographic areas: Counties of Daviess, Hancock, McLean, Ohio, Union and Webster.
a. Access to grant request can be located at on the landing page.
b. Click on Funding Request button
c. Completed applications will be emailed to